Saturday, August 15, 2009

Busy day and I didn't even get to clean the house...

First of all I hate cleaning the house! I always have to clean, everyone is always leaving something somewhere it does not belong! Dog hair, cat hair, and little pieces of fabric and thread are mainstays.

Today was a whirl wind of activity..
Woke up, feed buddha, headed to walgreens and walmart
Got home, made lunch, ate lunch ,sewed for 2 hours ( almost finished with school dress #1)
reclined for 30 minutes.. Got ready to see movie.

Saw District 9... Good movie,,, met friends for wings ( I had salad) home by 845...

Watched Son of Rambow with Brittany, her back is hurting and I wanted to spend some time with her.. Buddha joined us and everyone feel asleep until 11. Got up , moved Buddha, who is still settling back down, hence the blog.

Now what a busy day and I did not clean.. Well wait I did clean. I discovered we have a leak in the kitchen sink, I was looking for meyers scouring powder and I found "mildew" instead... So I cleaned that up dried it really good and went through all my cleaning supplies... Oh and dishes.. I do dishes every day no matta what...

I was so busy I was unable to get philosophical... DAMN IT..

There is always in my dreams!

Nite nite!


  1. I love the pic of your dog:) You have been busy. The cleaning here never ends. Hope you are having a great day:)

  2. You are going to have to fill me in on District 9. I heard it was horrible. I want to see The Time Traveler's Wife but you know I love those sappy love stories. I am just waiting for November to roll around. The date is set and plans are made! Are you going to be in Florida? I can't remember if you were going with your friends from Florida or not. You can always come with me!

    I hope Brittany's back is feeling some relief today. Sav sure does miss them. I was going through my pictures that I took and she saw them and said "awwwwwwww. where?" Which is her way of asking me where they are.

    Don't worry about not cleaning. It will always be there waiting. It's nice to have a day where the cleaning just does not get done.
