Thursday, August 13, 2009


Each day I get a chance to make many choices.
I chose to...
  1. get out of bed, shower and go to work.
  2. feed tony and give him his medication
  3. Work hard for 8 hour....
  4. Come home from work
  5. visit with my family for a few hours
and the list goes on..

I used to believe these were requirements of life, but I know now that they are not, they are choices. I changed my perspective on this when I realized I hated myself and my life. I hated that I could not say no to anyone. I hated that I could not decide what I wanted out of life. I hated that I could not make a decision for myself without massive amounts of frustration. I could however help you make a choice and all I did was worry about others, while I became more and more miserable.

Today I think of myself first, my thinking is "self centered". I am not talking about self absorbed narcissism, it is actually the opposite. I am talking about a healthy dose of self awareness to help me make better decisions so that I get what I need out of my day. Do I do things for others "yes" but only when I am asked and when it is convenient in my schedule. When I make these better choices my performance is maximized because I am getting everything I need out of my time.

Life is to short to not live it doing what makes me happy at least 70% of the time. As long as I balance fun with responsibility I smile all day long instead of yell and spout bitterness.

Now I am choosing to end my rant and go to bed...

Make better choices for yourself and happiness will follow

1 comment:

  1. I love that you are blogging now. Didn't I tell you to do this a long time ago? It fits you, very well and I couldn't agree more with this post.
